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Worship With Us

Sunday services are at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. at 6911 Highway 62 East, Harrison, AR.

Christian education for adults and children follows the morning worship service.

All are welcome to join us for a meal at church between the services.

Feel free to join us after the second service for singing, prayer, or sermon discussions on a rotating basis.

We also operate a Christian counseling by appointment. Please call (870 741-4207.

If you need transportation or directions, please feel free to call us at (870) 741-4207.


About Our Worship Services...

We worship the Lord with joy and with reverance. Our worship centers around the preaching of the Word of God. The Bible passage is explained and then applied to our personal situations and everyday life.  The service also includes singing, prayer, and reading Scripture. Though we use the King James Version of the Bible, feel free to bring your own Bible. If you need a Bible, we have them on hand for your use.  Feel free to keep it when you return home.  An offering is taken as part of our worship, but giving is entirely voluntary.

Service times: Sunday 10.00 am & 2.00 pm  /  where to find us
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